Driving Pikes Peak

Driving Pikes Peak

May 17, 2020

This drive was done in May, but I figured I would add it to June. Pikes Peak is relatively close to where we live, and a day trip was easily accomplished to see this 14er.


Fun Facts

Cost: $15 per person (dogs are free)
Elevation: 14,115 Feet
Miles to the summit: 19.26 miles (2-3 hours round trip)
Turns: 150
View: You can see up to 100 miles from the summit and 360 degrees.
Want to hike to the summit? 26 miles and it is considered a class 1 route
Visitor Center: Located half way up and includes bathrooms
Temperature: 30 degrees colder at the top
Don’t Miss: Donuts at the top, they are said to be some of the best (they were not open for us due to COVID-19)
Note: There are many places to pull off for picture opportunities, just be careful!

There was a fair amount of snow still on the side of the road and at the summit.

Once we reached the top, it was pretty special to be above the clouds and incredible to see how fast they moved and morphed.

We did take Monroe (my dog), but when I got out of the car, I was felt woozy because of the elevation gain. So I only got her out of the car to get her picture and put her back before she started to feel it.

The video shows the clouds moving past the summit and changing shape before our eyes.

On the descent down, we stopped for a few more photo opportunities before they closed the park. In every direction you looked, you saw something different and breathtaking.

Before leaving Pikes Peak, we made sure to stop and get a picture of the Big Foot Xing sign, which was conveniently placed across from the Pike National Forest sign.

   A few things to know before driving to the summit; make sure you have a half tank of gas, there are no gas stations after the ticket booths. Also, make sure you bring water to drink to stay hydrated, the top will make you feel dehydrated. One last thing, eat before you go. Currently, due to COVID-19, all restaurants/food vendors are closed.


Aspen, CO


Moab, UT