Hanging Lake

Hanging Lake by reservation

May 1, 2021

Hanging Lake is a must-do for anyone who recently moves to Colorado; that’s just how it goes. It is a well-known turquoise lake fed by a river that seems like it comes from nowhere. The first thing you need to know about Hanging Lake is that you will need to make a reservation to hike to the top, and they have to be made as soon as the reservation system opens up on April 1st, or all slots will be sold out.

Hanging Lake is located seven miles east of Glennwood Springs and has its own off-ramp. However, it can easily be missed, so keep your eyes open when you get close. There will be a gate you pull up to, and then there is a large parking lot with bathrooms before heading to the trail (use the bathroom because there isn’t really any place to secretly go to the bathroom on the trail).

From the parking lot, you will have to walk a paved pathway that leads to the trailhead. I believe this is also a bike trail that goes on for miles through Glennwood Canyon. In the picture above, you can see some of the fire damage from the Grizzly Creek fire.

Fun Facts

Cost: Free (dogs are NOT allowed)
Elevation: 7,323 feet 
View: A very greenish-blue, clear lake
Don’t Miss: There was a surprise waterfall 200 yards up beyond the lake.
Note: Swimming, fishing, and walking on the log are prohibited.
Fun Fact:
Hanging Lake got its name when the valley floor fell from above making a lake.

Once the paved path curves to the right, you will take the dirt trailhead to the left to Hanging Lake. The trail ascends 1000 feet up over 1.2 miles. It seems like a short trip, but there are many boulders to cross and a giant staircase to climb. After the Grizzly Creek Fire in 2020, you can see a lot of damage along the trail; many burnt tree stumps and open spaces. In July, all reservations were put on hold when the area flooded, bringing down a lot of dead debris and washing out some of the bridges on the trail.

You know you are almost there when you see these giant rock stairs and a metal handrail. There are some excellent views from these stairs, so make sure to stop and enjoy the scenery. If you are hiking in the winter be sure to bring spikes to make it all the way up.

Hanging Lake

The water of Hanging Lake is greenish-blue and extremely clear. The edge is fragile and is built up of dissolved carbonates turning it a neon yellow. Around the lake, there is a deck area to walk around on for an up-close view of the lake.

The lake is so clear and shallow that you can even see Trout swimming around.

After seeing the lake, make sure you take the trail further up, maybe a quarter of a mile, to see Sprouting Rock Falls. One of the most unique waterfalls I have seen. The waterfall flows through a small hole made by water pushing through the limestone.

The hike took us around 3 hours from hiking up and relaxing around the many waterfalls to hiking back .

The neon yellow gave the blue water a neon shade of green on the far back side.


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